If you want to know how to clean every room, you can find every guide on this page, with each taking you step-by-step through the process, from what you need, to advice on preventing the issue in the future. Here’s how to clean every room of your home. Also, be sure not to make any of these 7 bathroom cleaning mistakes while you’re doing so!
How to clean an oven — This is something we all put off, but it needs to be done. Over time, your oven can get very dirty from spills and splatters. All you need to clean it are a few household products and some elbow grease. How to clean cast iron stove grates — While you’re cleaning your oven, make sure you pay attention to those grimy stove grates. It’s not that hard to do either. How to clean a dishwasher — This is much easier than you’d think. Just grab a bowl and some white vinegar and you’re half-way there. It’s not always obvious to the eye when a dishwasher needs cleaning, but regular maintenance is necessary, otherwise it will eventually stop working. How to unclog a dishwasher — It’s not the most pleasant of topics, but we’ve all been there. If your dishwasher stops draining, it quickly fills up with dirty water, resulting in a smelly puddle. You don’t have to call in a professional; most can be fixed in just a few steps. How to clean a glass stove — You might think those stains on your glass stoves are set for good, but they’re not. With a few household products and the right technique, you can get your glass stove looking like new again. How to unclog a drain — Clogged drains can be the stuff of nightmares. Luckily, these can easily be rectified without using a plunger. There’s a few methods to choose from depending on what products you have access to at home. Plus, we have tips on how to avoid this problem in the future. How to clean a garbage disposal and get rid of smells — If your garbage disposal is leaving your kitchen smelly, here’s how to clean it in these easy ways. How to descale a kettle — Sick of seeing flakes of limescale floating in your cup of tea? Before you throw away your kettle, you can quickly remove this limescale with just one product; vinegar. The method couldn’t be easier, and you will thank us when you next pour a cuppa. How to clean a toaster — If you smell burning when you use your toaster, that means it’s time to clean it. It takes less than five minutes to do so, and all you need is a microfiber cloth and a bit of dish soap. How to clean a microwave — If left untouched, microwaves can quickly fill with crumbs and baked-on splatters. The result is an awful smell whenever you open the door. Grab a lemon, some water and a microwave-safe bowl to fix this problem. How to defrost a freezer — It’s not exactly cleaning advice, but it’s still something every freezer needs doing. If you’ve noticed a build-up of ice in your freezer, it could be costing more energy to run, so defrosting once or twice a year is recommended. How to clean an air fryer — Yes, you do need to do more than chuck the basket in the dishwasher. Giving your air fryer a deep clean every so often will keep it working at its best, plus it will get rid of any baked-on grease. How to clean a cast iron skillet — Cleaning a cast iron skillet might seem tricky at first. You don’t want to damage the seasoning, but you need to get rid of burnt-on residue. Luckily, cleaning a cast iron skillet couldn’t be easier with our step-by-step guide, plus we cover removing rust. How to clean stainless steel — If you want your stainless steel appliances to sparkle and look brand new again, follow our three easy methods on how to clean stainless steel without damaging it. How to clean silver — Similarly, silver items can start looking dull if not cared for. Here are our top tips on how to clean silver and bring back its shine. How to clean a burnt pot — While cooking may be a breeze, cleaning burnt pots may not be. But here’ s how to clean a burnt pot and make it look as good as new. How to clean a gas stove — If your gas stove has seen better days, here’s how to clean a gas stove to get rid of grease and grime. How to clean a stainless sink — Get your stainless sink gleaming again with these top tips. How to clean a baking sheet — If you love baking treats, you’ll need to know to clean a baking sheet in three easy steps.
How to clean a shower head — This isn’t something you often think to clean, but the shower head can quickly build up with limescale. This will slow the flow of the water and doesn’t look great on display either. Cleaning this just takes some vinegar and a bit of TLC. How to clean a toothbrush — There’s more germs than you’d think on the head of your toothbrush, so it’s essential that you make time to clean it. Mouthwash is all you need. How to clean a glass shower door — Limescale can be a tough customer when it comes to cleaning and it’s particularly annoying when it fogs up your shower door. To shift this, all you need is some white vinegar or baking soda and persistence. How to clean grout on floor tiles — Get rid of that trapped dirt and debris in your grout once and for all using a couple of household ingredients. How to get rid of mold — Mold is often found in bathrooms because of the moist, humid conditions. Be sure to deal with it as quickly as possible following these steps. How to clean a toilet — It’s a job no one likes doing, but it needs to be done. If you’re going to clean a toilet, you might as well do it the right way following our instructions. How to unclog a blocked toilet — An unpleasant topic, but when your toilet is blocked, you want to fix it, fast. You might not have a plunger, but that’s not a problem if you follow our guide. How to unclog a shower drain — If you’re standing in a puddle of water, then your shower drain needs unclogging. It’s quick and easy to do, and can save you calling a plumber. How to clean dog ears — You should regularly check your pup’s ears to see if they need cleaning. If it’s needed, follow this guide. How to wash towels — If you want to keep your towels super soft and fluffy, follow these top tips. How to clean a shower curtain — When your shower curtain looks grimy, these top tips will make it fresh and looking brand new. How to clean a bathtub — Keep your bathtub sparkling with these easy steps. How to remove water stains — If you have unsightly water stains on wood or walls, here’s how to remove them without damaging surfaces.
Laundry room
How to clean a washing machine — Believe it or not, your washing machine needs to be cleaned. If you don’t, your clothes will start to smell, and mold and mildew will build-up around the gasket. It’s as simple as running a cycle with white vinegar or bleach. How to clean a dryer vent — Your dryer vent needs to be checked and unblocked regularly to keep your dryer fully functioning. A blocked dryer vent will waste energy as well as money, and can damage your dryer. How to remove blood out of clothes quickly — If you have a nosebleed or other nasty accident, and end up with blood on your clothes, you’ll need to act fast. Here are some top tips on how to remove blood out of your favorite clothing quickly. How to fold a fitted sheet in less than a minute — Struggling with folding fitted sheets? Follow these easy steps and you’ll be folding in no time. How to wash bras without breaking them — or your washing machine - Make sure you wash bras carefully or else you can cause serious damage. How to clean grass stains — Here’s how to remove grass stains in three simple steps. How to clean sneaker in 4 easy steps — Here’s how to keep those white sneakers spotless and fresh
Living room
How to get rid of dust mites — If you struggle with allergies then you need to know how to deal with dust mites. These microscopic pests are everywhere, but you can reduce the numbers by following these steps. How to clean the TV screen — There’s nothing more annoying than fingerprints and smears across the TV screen. Don’t be frightened to clean this, you can do so as long as you’re careful and follow our guidance on technique and products. How to clean a leather couch — If you’ve noticed your leather couch has started feeling sticky, you should really clean it. With the right products, this is easy to do and takes just a few minutes. We also cover how to remove some of the most common stains such as ink stains and grease. How to clean windows — Over time, windows will show signs of watermarks as well as everyday grease and grime. Clean them incorrectly and you’re left with streaks. Luckily we take you through exactly what to do to get them looking as new. How to remove red wine stains from carpet — It’s a horrible moment — watching red wine spill all over your cream carpet. But, if you follow our steps and act fast, you don’t need to worry about covering it up. How to clean a fireplace — If you’re planning to light up the fireplace and haven’t used it in some time, it’s a good idea to clean it out first. This prevents a fire hazard as well as any potentially harmful toxins from leaking into your living room. How to clean painted walls — Whether your walls are covered in pencil marks, grease and grime or mystery stains, our guide takes you through how to get them looking like new again. How to remove candle wax from wood — It’s easy to miss a candle dripping candle wax onto your precious table, and harder than you’d think to remove it. Luckily, our step-by-step guide takes you through exactly what to do. How to clean hardwood floors — You might be doing more damage than good if you’re washing your hardwood floors with water. Here, we breakdown exactly what you need to use and the best method for a streak-free finish, because sometimes the best vacuum cleaners just aren’t enough. Also, a steam mop damaged my floors, it’s probably not a good idea to use steam mops on laminate floors. How to get paint out of the carpet — Paint can easily splatter onto the carpet when you paint your walls. Removing it isn’t impossible, you just need to follow these steps. How to clean a PS4 — Every gamer dreads cleaning their console, but if your PS4 is overheating from dust, it needs a clean. It’s easy if you follow our guide. How to clean a yoga mat — If you love to practice yoga, then you need to clean your yoga mat regularly. The good news is it’s quick and easy; here we take you through what to do step-by-step. How to clean a humidifier — Your humidifier will need taking apart and cleaning from time-to-time. Here, we take you through how to do it. How to clean a Dyson vacuum cleaner — From filters to blockages, these 10 tips will ensure your Dyson is in top shape. How to clean an air conditioner — Learn how to clean an air conditioner and keep it running like new. How to clean baseboards — Learn how to clean baseboards and remove marks if your once brilliant white baseboards are starting to look a little grubby.
How to clean a keyboard — You use your keyboard almost everyday and yet so few of us take the time to clean it. It’s very fast to do so (literally less than five minutes), and you’d be shocked to see what can fall out. How to clean a MacBook screen — Is your MacBook screen covered in smudges? It can easily be cleaned and you don’t have to worry about damaging it following these steps. How to clean an iPhone’s charging port — This small recess can build-up with dust and gunk from our pockets and bags, but its fragility stops us from cleaning it. Worry not, using a few household products, you can finally clean it out. How to clean iPhone speakers — Is your iPhone sounding muffled as of late? Chances are the speakers need some TLC. How to clean an AirPods case — These can quickly look grubby, especially if you have a white case. To clean it, all you need is a microfiber cloth and some TLC. How to clean AirPods — Don’t forget to give your AirPods a once over at the same time. There’s nothing worse than spotting earwax collecting in the openings. How to clean Oculus lenses — Make sure you clean your Oculus lenses safely as your don’t want to risk damage. Just take a microfibre cloth to gently wipe off any grime, and use anti-bacterial wipes to clean the straps and foam. How to clean a mousepad without damaging it — Want to know how to clean a mousepad properly? Follow our quick steps. How to clean a Cricut mat — If you love crafting, odds are you own a Cricut. These machines are amazing for everyday card-making, but the mat can get dirty pretty quickly. Here’s how to clean it. How to clean a clear phone case — When our phones get grubby, here’s how to get it clean again in a few steps.
How to wash a pillow — If your pillow is looking yellow as of late, then it needs a thorough clean. The yellow stains are actually sweat from your head at night. Follow these steps and, with a hand from your washing machine, your pillows will be fresh and plump once more. How to clean a mattress — Think about it: every night you sweat in bed and attract thousands of dust mites. So your mattress needs to be cleaned regularly too. All you need is a vacuum cleaner and some baking soda. We cover how to clean everyday spills as well. How to clean a mattress topper — You mattress topper needs regular care for the same reason. Six steps is all it takes and you should already have everything you need. How to wash a weighted blanket — Weighted blankets are comforting all year around, but the weight makes them particularly difficult to clean. It’s not impossible though, and shouldn’t be deterred. Some can go straight into the washing machine, but check our page for full guidance. How to clean a mirror — If you’re struggling to see yourself in the mirror, then it’s time to clean it. Smudges and smears make this tricky, but with the right products and technique, it’s a walk in the park. How to clean white shoes — If your white sneakers have seen better days, then it’s time to give them some TLC. Whether you’ve got canvas, leather or mesh shoes, we cover the best cleaning methods. How to clean suede shoes — Suede can be tricky to clean without ruining them, but here are some top tips to get them in top condition again. How to clean a hat without ruining the shape - Similar to cleaning suede shoes, here are some clever tricks on how to clean your favorite hat without ruining the style. How to clean makeup brushes — Makeup brushes are something we use daily, but forget to clean. It takes seconds to do and it’s not complicated at all. How to clean a hairbrush — Has your hairbrush seen better days? You can clean it in three easy steps. How to remove gel nail polish — Gel nail polish looks amazing, but it’s very tough to remove. Here, we show you how to do it without damaging your nails. How to clean jewelry — If your rings, bracelets or necklaces are looking dull, these top tips will bring the shine back. How to clean a diamond ring — Bring back the sparkle with this simple, homemade solution. How to make white sheets brighter in 3 simple ways - To ensure you always have brilliant white bedsheets.
How to clean a grill — Your grill needs a deep clean every so often, whether it’s gas or charcoal. Follow these simple steps to make it shine again and get it ready for grill season. Ideally, you want to deep clean your grill every two to three months. How to defrost a windshield — Again, it’s not technically cleaning, but knowing how to defrost a windshield is important, particularly as you don’t want to damage it in the process. How to clean an inflatable hot tub — If you’re lucky enough to own an inflatable hot tub, you need to know how to clean it. Otherwise, leaves and gunk can build up quickly. As well as how to clean, we cover maintenance tips too. How to clean headlights — Over time headlights can turn foggy, but you can get them gleaming again following these steps. How to clean a car seat — Has your car seat seen better days? You can give it a thorough clean yourself with just a few household products.

title: “How To Clean Every Room Of Your Home” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-21” author: “Misty Holt”
If you want to know how to clean every room, you can find every guide on this page, with each taking you step-by-step through the process, from what you need, to advice on preventing the issue in the future. Here’s how to clean every room of your home. Also, be sure not to make any of these 7 bathroom cleaning mistakes while you’re doing so!
How to clean an oven — This is something we all put off, but it needs to be done. Over time, your oven can get very dirty from spills and splatters. All you need to clean it are a few household products and some elbow grease. How to clean cast iron stove grates — While you’re cleaning your oven, make sure you pay attention to those grimy stove grates. It’s not that hard to do either. How to clean a dishwasher — This is much easier than you’d think. Just grab a bowl and some white vinegar and you’re half-way there. It’s not always obvious to the eye when a dishwasher needs cleaning, but regular maintenance is necessary, otherwise it will eventually stop working. How to unclog a dishwasher — It’s not the most pleasant of topics, but we’ve all been there. If your dishwasher stops draining, it quickly fills up with dirty water, resulting in a smelly puddle. You don’t have to call in a professional; most can be fixed in just a few steps. How to clean a glass stove — You might think those stains on your glass stoves are set for good, but they’re not. With a few household products and the right technique, you can get your glass stove looking like new again. How to unclog a drain — Clogged drains can be the stuff of nightmares. Luckily, these can easily be rectified without using a plunger. There’s a few methods to choose from depending on what products you have access to at home. Plus, we have tips on how to avoid this problem in the future. How to clean a garbage disposal and get rid of smells — If your garbage disposal is leaving your kitchen smelly, here’s how to clean it in these easy ways. How to descale a kettle — Sick of seeing flakes of limescale floating in your cup of tea? Before you throw away your kettle, you can quickly remove this limescale with just one product; vinegar. The method couldn’t be easier, and you will thank us when you next pour a cuppa. How to clean a toaster — If you smell burning when you use your toaster, that means it’s time to clean it. It takes less than five minutes to do so, and all you need is a microfiber cloth and a bit of dish soap. How to clean a microwave — If left untouched, microwaves can quickly fill with crumbs and baked-on splatters. The result is an awful smell whenever you open the door. Grab a lemon, some water and a microwave-safe bowl to fix this problem. How to defrost a freezer — It’s not exactly cleaning advice, but it’s still something every freezer needs doing. If you’ve noticed a build-up of ice in your freezer, it could be costing more energy to run, so defrosting once or twice a year is recommended. How to clean an air fryer — Yes, you do need to do more than chuck the basket in the dishwasher. Giving your air fryer a deep clean every so often will keep it working at its best, plus it will get rid of any baked-on grease. How to clean a cast iron skillet — Cleaning a cast iron skillet might seem tricky at first. You don’t want to damage the seasoning, but you need to get rid of burnt-on residue. Luckily, cleaning a cast iron skillet couldn’t be easier with our step-by-step guide, plus we cover removing rust. How to clean stainless steel — If you want your stainless steel appliances to sparkle and look brand new again, follow our three easy methods on how to clean stainless steel without damaging it. How to clean silver — Similarly, silver items can start looking dull if not cared for. Here are our top tips on how to clean silver and bring back its shine. How to clean a burnt pot — While cooking may be a breeze, cleaning burnt pots may not be. But here’ s how to clean a burnt pot and make it look as good as new. How to clean a gas stove — If your gas stove has seen better days, here’s how to clean a gas stove to get rid of grease and grime. How to clean a stainless sink — Get your stainless sink gleaming again with these top tips. How to clean a baking sheet — If you love baking treats, you’ll need to know to clean a baking sheet in three easy steps.
How to clean a shower head — This isn’t something you often think to clean, but the shower head can quickly build up with limescale. This will slow the flow of the water and doesn’t look great on display either. Cleaning this just takes some vinegar and a bit of TLC. How to clean a toothbrush — There’s more germs than you’d think on the head of your toothbrush, so it’s essential that you make time to clean it. Mouthwash is all you need. How to clean a glass shower door — Limescale can be a tough customer when it comes to cleaning and it’s particularly annoying when it fogs up your shower door. To shift this, all you need is some white vinegar or baking soda and persistence. How to clean grout on floor tiles — Get rid of that trapped dirt and debris in your grout once and for all using a couple of household ingredients. How to get rid of mold — Mold is often found in bathrooms because of the moist, humid conditions. Be sure to deal with it as quickly as possible following these steps. How to clean a toilet — It’s a job no one likes doing, but it needs to be done. If you’re going to clean a toilet, you might as well do it the right way following our instructions. How to unclog a blocked toilet — An unpleasant topic, but when your toilet is blocked, you want to fix it, fast. You might not have a plunger, but that’s not a problem if you follow our guide. How to unclog a shower drain — If you’re standing in a puddle of water, then your shower drain needs unclogging. It’s quick and easy to do, and can save you calling a plumber. How to clean dog ears — You should regularly check your pup’s ears to see if they need cleaning. If it’s needed, follow this guide. How to wash towels — If you want to keep your towels super soft and fluffy, follow these top tips. How to clean a shower curtain — When your shower curtain looks grimy, these top tips will make it fresh and looking brand new. How to clean a bathtub — Keep your bathtub sparkling with these easy steps. How to remove water stains — If you have unsightly water stains on wood or walls, here’s how to remove them without damaging surfaces.
Laundry room
How to clean a washing machine — Believe it or not, your washing machine needs to be cleaned. If you don’t, your clothes will start to smell, and mold and mildew will build-up around the gasket. It’s as simple as running a cycle with white vinegar or bleach. How to clean a dryer vent — Your dryer vent needs to be checked and unblocked regularly to keep your dryer fully functioning. A blocked dryer vent will waste energy as well as money, and can damage your dryer. How to remove blood out of clothes quickly — If you have a nosebleed or other nasty accident, and end up with blood on your clothes, you’ll need to act fast. Here are some top tips on how to remove blood out of your favorite clothing quickly. How to fold a fitted sheet in less than a minute — Struggling with folding fitted sheets? Follow these easy steps and you’ll be folding in no time. How to wash bras without breaking them — or your washing machine - Make sure you wash bras carefully or else you can cause serious damage. How to clean grass stains — Here’s how to remove grass stains in three simple steps. How to clean sneaker in 4 easy steps — Here’s how to keep those white sneakers spotless and fresh
Living room
How to get rid of dust mites — If you struggle with allergies then you need to know how to deal with dust mites. These microscopic pests are everywhere, but you can reduce the numbers by following these steps. How to clean the TV screen — There’s nothing more annoying than fingerprints and smears across the TV screen. Don’t be frightened to clean this, you can do so as long as you’re careful and follow our guidance on technique and products. How to clean a leather couch — If you’ve noticed your leather couch has started feeling sticky, you should really clean it. With the right products, this is easy to do and takes just a few minutes. We also cover how to remove some of the most common stains such as ink stains and grease. How to clean windows — Over time, windows will show signs of watermarks as well as everyday grease and grime. Clean them incorrectly and you’re left with streaks. Luckily we take you through exactly what to do to get them looking as new. How to remove red wine stains from carpet — It’s a horrible moment — watching red wine spill all over your cream carpet. But, if you follow our steps and act fast, you don’t need to worry about covering it up. How to clean a fireplace — If you’re planning to light up the fireplace and haven’t used it in some time, it’s a good idea to clean it out first. This prevents a fire hazard as well as any potentially harmful toxins from leaking into your living room. How to clean painted walls — Whether your walls are covered in pencil marks, grease and grime or mystery stains, our guide takes you through how to get them looking like new again. How to remove candle wax from wood — It’s easy to miss a candle dripping candle wax onto your precious table, and harder than you’d think to remove it. Luckily, our step-by-step guide takes you through exactly what to do. How to clean hardwood floors — You might be doing more damage than good if you’re washing your hardwood floors with water. Here, we breakdown exactly what you need to use and the best method for a streak-free finish, because sometimes the best vacuum cleaners just aren’t enough. Also, a steam mop damaged my floors, it’s probably not a good idea to use steam mops on laminate floors. How to get paint out of the carpet — Paint can easily splatter onto the carpet when you paint your walls. Removing it isn’t impossible, you just need to follow these steps. How to clean a PS4 — Every gamer dreads cleaning their console, but if your PS4 is overheating from dust, it needs a clean. It’s easy if you follow our guide. How to clean a yoga mat — If you love to practice yoga, then you need to clean your yoga mat regularly. The good news is it’s quick and easy; here we take you through what to do step-by-step. How to clean a humidifier — Your humidifier will need taking apart and cleaning from time-to-time. Here, we take you through how to do it. How to clean a Dyson vacuum cleaner — From filters to blockages, these 10 tips will ensure your Dyson is in top shape. How to clean an air conditioner — Learn how to clean an air conditioner and keep it running like new. How to clean baseboards — Learn how to clean baseboards and remove marks if your once brilliant white baseboards are starting to look a little grubby.
How to clean a keyboard — You use your keyboard almost everyday and yet so few of us take the time to clean it. It’s very fast to do so (literally less than five minutes), and you’d be shocked to see what can fall out. How to clean a MacBook screen — Is your MacBook screen covered in smudges? It can easily be cleaned and you don’t have to worry about damaging it following these steps. How to clean an iPhone’s charging port — This small recess can build-up with dust and gunk from our pockets and bags, but its fragility stops us from cleaning it. Worry not, using a few household products, you can finally clean it out. How to clean iPhone speakers — Is your iPhone sounding muffled as of late? Chances are the speakers need some TLC. How to clean an AirPods case — These can quickly look grubby, especially if you have a white case. To clean it, all you need is a microfiber cloth and some TLC. How to clean AirPods — Don’t forget to give your AirPods a once over at the same time. There’s nothing worse than spotting earwax collecting in the openings. How to clean Oculus lenses — Make sure you clean your Oculus lenses safely as your don’t want to risk damage. Just take a microfibre cloth to gently wipe off any grime, and use anti-bacterial wipes to clean the straps and foam. How to clean a mousepad without damaging it — Want to know how to clean a mousepad properly? Follow our quick steps. How to clean a Cricut mat — If you love crafting, odds are you own a Cricut. These machines are amazing for everyday card-making, but the mat can get dirty pretty quickly. Here’s how to clean it. How to clean a clear phone case — When our phones get grubby, here’s how to get it clean again in a few steps.
How to wash a pillow — If your pillow is looking yellow as of late, then it needs a thorough clean. The yellow stains are actually sweat from your head at night. Follow these steps and, with a hand from your washing machine, your pillows will be fresh and plump once more. How to clean a mattress — Think about it: every night you sweat in bed and attract thousands of dust mites. So your mattress needs to be cleaned regularly too. All you need is a vacuum cleaner and some baking soda. We cover how to clean everyday spills as well. How to clean a mattress topper — You mattress topper needs regular care for the same reason. Six steps is all it takes and you should already have everything you need. How to wash a weighted blanket — Weighted blankets are comforting all year around, but the weight makes them particularly difficult to clean. It’s not impossible though, and shouldn’t be deterred. Some can go straight into the washing machine, but check our page for full guidance. How to clean a mirror — If you’re struggling to see yourself in the mirror, then it’s time to clean it. Smudges and smears make this tricky, but with the right products and technique, it’s a walk in the park. How to clean white shoes — If your white sneakers have seen better days, then it’s time to give them some TLC. Whether you’ve got canvas, leather or mesh shoes, we cover the best cleaning methods. How to clean suede shoes — Suede can be tricky to clean without ruining them, but here are some top tips to get them in top condition again. How to clean a hat without ruining the shape - Similar to cleaning suede shoes, here are some clever tricks on how to clean your favorite hat without ruining the style. How to clean makeup brushes — Makeup brushes are something we use daily, but forget to clean. It takes seconds to do and it’s not complicated at all. How to clean a hairbrush — Has your hairbrush seen better days? You can clean it in three easy steps. How to remove gel nail polish — Gel nail polish looks amazing, but it’s very tough to remove. Here, we show you how to do it without damaging your nails. How to clean jewelry — If your rings, bracelets or necklaces are looking dull, these top tips will bring the shine back. How to clean a diamond ring — Bring back the sparkle with this simple, homemade solution. How to make white sheets brighter in 3 simple ways - To ensure you always have brilliant white bedsheets.
How to clean a grill — Your grill needs a deep clean every so often, whether it’s gas or charcoal. Follow these simple steps to make it shine again and get it ready for grill season. Ideally, you want to deep clean your grill every two to three months. How to defrost a windshield — Again, it’s not technically cleaning, but knowing how to defrost a windshield is important, particularly as you don’t want to damage it in the process. How to clean an inflatable hot tub — If you’re lucky enough to own an inflatable hot tub, you need to know how to clean it. Otherwise, leaves and gunk can build up quickly. As well as how to clean, we cover maintenance tips too. How to clean headlights — Over time headlights can turn foggy, but you can get them gleaming again following these steps. How to clean a car seat — Has your car seat seen better days? You can give it a thorough clean yourself with just a few household products.